1964 Alfa Romeo Giulia SS

We found this great story from Freddie Davis on the Petrolicious website, he writes:

“I’d been looking at car advertisements for years prior, but with my third child off to university, it was finally time to invest in the car I’d been dreaming of owning for so long, with the want extending all the way back to my childhood.

From an early age, the glamour of a 1960s coach-built classic Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale, with its beautiful Bertone body, had captivated me, and when it became time to seriously look for one, I knew that I wanted one of the 25 cars converted to right-hand drive by motorsport ace Ken Rudd, at Ruddspeed. Only 5 of these cars are listed by the Driving Licensing Bureau as having been on the road in the U.K., but they don’t say if they were LHD or RHD versions. Finding one of the very few Ruddspeed cars was going to be a tall task. However, I was patient, and it just so happened that in May of this year, not one of these rarities came onto the market, but two, and at the same time….” You can find the full article in the link below:


Photography by Freddie Davis

Ruddspeed Serial Number: N/A

We would love to hear from anyone has more information on the car or would like to add to the history please feel free to contact us here at Ruddspeed.
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